Young people and club diving

Tyneside 114 Sub Aqua Club is fully committed to safeguarding the wellbeing of its members. Therefore, all of our instructors who regularly teach young people are DBS cleared. If we do agree to teach anyone under the age of 16, we ask that their parent, guardian or other responsible adult be with them at all times, either as a fellow diver, or on the pool side, lake side or in the dive boat. The decision to take on a young diver is not taken lightly, and may be made at committee level depending on the circumstances.
We want to ensure that all young people have the best possible experience. It’s important that our club activities take place in an environment where they are safe from the possibility of any form of ill-treatment.

The Safeguarding Policy and Procedures, and advice leaflets for parents and young people outline our commitment to this important aspect of enjoying diving and provide information on what to do should you have any worries. The links below take you to our policies:
Tyneside 114 – Advice for Parents